Benddao contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
library DataTypes {
  struct ReserveData {
    //stores the reserve configuration
    ReserveConfigurationMap configuration;
    //the liquidity index. Expressed in ray
    uint128 liquidityIndex;
    //variable borrow index. Expressed in ray
    uint128 variableBorrowIndex;
    //the current supply rate. Expressed in ray
    uint128 currentLiquidityRate;
    //the current variable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
    uint128 currentVariableBorrowRate;
    uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp;
    //tokens addresses
    address bTokenAddress;
    address debtTokenAddress;
    //address of the interest rate strategy
    address interestRateAddress;
    //the id of the reserve. Represents the position in the list of the active reserves
    uint8 id;
  struct NftData {
    //stores the nft configuration
    NftConfigurationMap configuration;
    //address of the bNFT contract
    address bNftAddress;
    //the id of the nft. Represents the position in the list of the active nfts
    uint8 id;
    uint256 maxSupply;
    uint256 maxTokenId;
  struct ReserveConfigurationMap {
    //bit 0-15: LTV
    //bit 16-31: Liq. threshold
    //bit 32-47: Liq. bonus
    //bit 48-55: Decimals
    //bit 56: Reserve is active
    //bit 57: reserve is frozen
    //bit 58: borrowing is enabled
    //bit 59: stable rate borrowing enabled
    //bit 60-63: reserved
    //bit 64-79: reserve factor
    uint256 data;
  struct NftConfigurationMap {
    //bit 0-15: LTV
    //bit 16-31: Liq. threshold
    //bit 32-47: Liq. bonus
    //bit 56: NFT is active
    //bit 57: NFT is frozen
    uint256 data;
   * @dev Enum describing the current state of a loan
   * State change flow:
   *  Created -> Active -> Repaid
   *                    -> Auction -> Defaulted
  enum LoanState {
    // We need a default that is not 'Created' - this is the zero value
    // The loan data is stored, but not initiated yet.
    // The loan has been initialized, funds have been delivered to the borrower and the collateral is held.
    // The loan is in auction, higest price liquidator will got chance to claim it.
    // The loan has been repaid, and the collateral has been returned to the borrower. This is a terminal state.
    // The loan was delinquent and collateral claimed by the liquidator. This is a terminal state.
  struct LoanData {
    //the id of the nft loan
    uint256 loanId;
    //the current state of the loan
    LoanState state;
    //address of borrower
    address borrower;
    //address of nft asset token
    address nftAsset;
    //the id of nft token
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    //address of reserve asset token
    address reserveAsset;
    //scaled borrow amount. Expressed in ray
    uint256 scaledAmount;
    //start time of first bid time
    uint256 bidStartTimestamp;
    //bidder address of higest bid
    address bidderAddress;
    //price of higest bid
    uint256 bidPrice;
    //borrow amount of loan
    uint256 bidBorrowAmount;
    //bidder address of first bid
    address firstBidderAddress;
  struct ExecuteDepositParams {
    address initiator;
    address asset;
    uint256 amount;
    address onBehalfOf;
    uint16 referralCode;
  struct ExecuteWithdrawParams {
    address initiator;
    address asset;
    uint256 amount;
    address to;
  struct ExecuteBorrowParams {
    address initiator;
    address asset;
    uint256 amount;
    address nftAsset;
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    address onBehalfOf;
    uint16 referralCode;
  struct ExecuteBatchBorrowParams {
    address initiator;
    address[] assets;
    uint256[] amounts;
    address[] nftAssets;
    uint256[] nftTokenIds;
    address onBehalfOf;
    uint16 referralCode;
  struct ExecuteRepayParams {
    address initiator;
    address nftAsset;
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    uint256 amount;
  struct ExecuteBatchRepayParams {
    address initiator;
    address[] nftAssets;
    uint256[] nftTokenIds;
    uint256[] amounts;
  struct ExecuteAuctionParams {
    address initiator;
    address nftAsset;
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    uint256 bidPrice;
    address onBehalfOf;
  struct ExecuteRedeemParams {
    address initiator;
    address nftAsset;
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    uint256 amount;
    uint256 bidFine;
  struct ExecuteLiquidateParams {
    address initiator;
    address nftAsset;
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    uint256 amount;
  struct ExecuteLendPoolStates {
    uint256 pauseStartTime;
    uint256 pauseDurationTime;