Benddao contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
import {ILendPoolLoan} from "../../interfaces/ILendPoolLoan.sol";
import {IReserveOracleGetter} from "../../interfaces/IReserveOracleGetter.sol";
import {INFTOracleGetter} from "../../interfaces/INFTOracleGetter.sol";
import {WadRayMath} from "../math/WadRayMath.sol";
import {PercentageMath} from "../math/PercentageMath.sol";
import {ReserveConfiguration} from "../configuration/ReserveConfiguration.sol";
import {NftConfiguration} from "../configuration/NftConfiguration.sol";
import {Errors} from "../helpers/Errors.sol";
import {DataTypes} from "../types/DataTypes.sol";
import {ReserveLogic} from "./ReserveLogic.sol";
 * @title GenericLogic library
 * @author Bend
 * @notice Implements protocol-level logic to calculate and validate the state of a user
library GenericLogic {
  using ReserveLogic for DataTypes.ReserveData;
  using WadRayMath for uint256;
  using PercentageMath for uint256;
  using ReserveConfiguration for DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap;
  using NftConfiguration for DataTypes.NftConfigurationMap;
  uint256 public constant HEALTH_FACTOR_LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD = 1 ether;
  struct CalculateLoanDataVars {
    uint256 reserveUnitPrice;
    uint256 reserveUnit;
    uint256 reserveDecimals;
    uint256 healthFactor;
    uint256 totalCollateralInETH;
    uint256 totalCollateralInReserve;
    uint256 totalDebtInETH;
    uint256 totalDebtInReserve;
    uint256 nftLtv;
    uint256 nftLiquidationThreshold;
    address nftAsset;
    uint256 nftTokenId;
    uint256 nftUnitPrice;
   * @dev Calculates the nft loan data.
   * this includes the total collateral/borrow balances in Reserve,
   * the Loan To Value, the Liquidation Ratio, and the Health factor.
   * @param reserveData Data of the reserve
   * @param nftData Data of the nft
   * @param reserveOracle The price oracle address of reserve
   * @param nftOracle The price oracle address of nft
   * @return The total collateral and total debt of the loan in Reserve, the ltv, liquidation threshold and the HF
  function calculateLoanData(
    address reserveAddress,
    DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserveData,
    address nftAddress,
    DataTypes.NftData storage nftData,
    address loanAddress,
    uint256 loanId,
    address reserveOracle,
    address nftOracle
    returns (
    CalculateLoanDataVars memory vars;
    (vars.nftLtv, vars.nftLiquidationThreshold, ) = nftData.configuration.getCollateralParams();
    // calculate total borrow balance for the loan
    if (loanId != 0) {
      (vars.totalDebtInETH, vars.totalDebtInReserve) = calculateNftDebtData(
    // calculate total collateral balance for the nft
    (vars.totalCollateralInETH, vars.totalCollateralInReserve) = calculateNftCollateralData(
    // calculate health by borrow and collateral
    vars.healthFactor = calculateHealthFactorFromBalances(
    return (vars.totalCollateralInReserve, vars.totalDebtInReserve, vars.healthFactor);
  function calculateNftDebtData(
    address reserveAddress,
    DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserveData,
    address loanAddress,
    uint256 loanId,
    address reserveOracle
  ) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) {
    CalculateLoanDataVars memory vars;
    // all asset price has converted to ETH based, unit is in WEI (18 decimals)
    vars.reserveDecimals = reserveData.configuration.getDecimals();
    vars.reserveUnit = 10**vars.reserveDecimals;
    vars.reserveUnitPrice = IReserveOracleGetter(reserveOracle).getAssetPrice(reserveAddress);
    (, vars.totalDebtInReserve) = ILendPoolLoan(loanAddress).getLoanReserveBorrowAmount(loanId);
    vars.totalDebtInETH = (vars.totalDebtInReserve * vars.reserveUnitPrice) / vars.reserveUnit;
    return (vars.totalDebtInETH, vars.totalDebtInReserve);
  function calculateNftCollateralData(
    address reserveAddress,
    DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserveData,
    address nftAddress,
    DataTypes.NftData storage nftData,
    address reserveOracle,
    address nftOracle
  ) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) {
    CalculateLoanDataVars memory vars;
    // calculate total collateral balance for the nft
    // all asset price has converted to ETH based, unit is in WEI (18 decimals)
    vars.nftUnitPrice = INFTOracleGetter(nftOracle).getAssetPrice(nftAddress);
    vars.totalCollateralInETH = vars.nftUnitPrice;
    if (reserveAddress != address(0)) {
      vars.reserveDecimals = reserveData.configuration.getDecimals();
      vars.reserveUnit = 10**vars.reserveDecimals;
      vars.reserveUnitPrice = IReserveOracleGetter(reserveOracle).getAssetPrice(reserveAddress);
      vars.totalCollateralInReserve = (vars.totalCollateralInETH * vars.reserveUnit) / vars.reserveUnitPrice;
    return (vars.totalCollateralInETH, vars.totalCollateralInReserve);
   * @dev Calculates the health factor from the corresponding balances
   * @param totalCollateral The total collateral
   * @param totalDebt The total debt
   * @param liquidationThreshold The avg liquidation threshold
   * @return The health factor calculated from the balances provided
  function calculateHealthFactorFromBalances(
    uint256 totalCollateral,
    uint256 totalDebt,
    uint256 liquidationThreshold
  ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    if (totalDebt == 0) return type(uint256).max;
    return (totalCollateral.percentMul(liquidationThreshold)).wadDiv(totalDebt);
   * @dev Calculates the equivalent amount that an user can borrow, depending on the available collateral and the
   * average Loan To Value
   * @param totalCollateral The total collateral
   * @param totalDebt The total borrow balance
   * @param ltv The average loan to value
   * @return the amount available to borrow for the user
  function calculateAvailableBorrows(
    uint256 totalCollateral,
    uint256 totalDebt,
    uint256 ltv
  ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 availableBorrows = totalCollateral.percentMul(ltv);
    if (availableBorrows < totalDebt) {
      return 0;
    availableBorrows = availableBorrows - totalDebt;
    return availableBorrows;
  struct CalcLiquidatePriceLocalVars {
    uint256 ltv;
    uint256 liquidationThreshold;
    uint256 liquidationBonus;
    uint256 nftPriceInETH;
    uint256 nftPriceInReserve;
    uint256 reserveDecimals;
    uint256 reservePriceInETH;
    uint256 thresholdPrice;
    uint256 liquidatePrice;
    uint256 borrowAmount;
  function calculateLoanLiquidatePrice(
    uint256 loanId,
    address reserveAsset,
    DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserveData,
    address nftAsset,
    DataTypes.NftData storage nftData,
    address poolLoan,
    address reserveOracle,
    address nftOracle
    returns (
    CalcLiquidatePriceLocalVars memory vars;
     * 0                   CR                  LH                  100
     * |___________________|___________________|___________________|
     *  <       Borrowing with Interest        <
     * CR: Callteral Ratio;
     * LH: Liquidate Threshold;
     * Liquidate Trigger: Borrowing with Interest > thresholdPrice;
     * Liquidate Price: (100% - BonusRatio) * NFT Price;
    vars.reserveDecimals = reserveData.configuration.getDecimals();
    (, vars.borrowAmount) = ILendPoolLoan(poolLoan).getLoanReserveBorrowAmount(loanId);
    (vars.ltv, vars.liquidationThreshold, vars.liquidationBonus) = nftData.configuration.getCollateralParams();
    vars.nftPriceInETH = INFTOracleGetter(nftOracle).getAssetPrice(nftAsset);
    vars.reservePriceInETH = IReserveOracleGetter(reserveOracle).getAssetPrice(reserveAsset);
    vars.nftPriceInReserve = ((10**vars.reserveDecimals) * vars.nftPriceInETH) / vars.reservePriceInETH;
    vars.thresholdPrice = vars.nftPriceInReserve.percentMul(vars.liquidationThreshold);
    vars.liquidatePrice = vars.nftPriceInReserve.percentMul(PercentageMath.PERCENTAGE_FACTOR - vars.liquidationBonus);
    return (vars.borrowAmount, vars.thresholdPrice, vars.liquidatePrice);
  struct CalcLoanBidFineLocalVars {
    uint256 reserveDecimals;
    uint256 reservePriceInETH;
    uint256 baseBidFineInReserve;
    uint256 minBidFinePct;
    uint256 minBidFineInReserve;
    uint256 bidFineInReserve;
    uint256 debtAmount;
  function calculateLoanBidFine(
    address reserveAsset,
    DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserveData,
    address nftAsset,
    DataTypes.NftData storage nftData,
    DataTypes.LoanData memory loanData,
    address poolLoan,
    address reserveOracle
  ) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) {
    if (loanData.bidPrice == 0) {
      return (0, 0);
    CalcLoanBidFineLocalVars memory vars;
    vars.reserveDecimals = reserveData.configuration.getDecimals();
    vars.reservePriceInETH = IReserveOracleGetter(reserveOracle).getAssetPrice(reserveAsset);
    vars.baseBidFineInReserve = (1 ether * 10**vars.reserveDecimals) / vars.reservePriceInETH;
    vars.minBidFinePct = nftData.configuration.getMinBidFine();
    vars.minBidFineInReserve = vars.baseBidFineInReserve.percentMul(vars.minBidFinePct);
    (, vars.debtAmount) = ILendPoolLoan(poolLoan).getLoanReserveBorrowAmount(loanData.loanId);
    vars.bidFineInReserve = vars.debtAmount.percentMul(nftData.configuration.getRedeemFine());
    if (vars.bidFineInReserve < vars.minBidFineInReserve) {
      vars.bidFineInReserve = vars.minBidFineInReserve;
    return (vars.minBidFineInReserve, vars.bidFineInReserve);
  function calculateLoanAuctionEndTimestamp(
    DataTypes.NftData storage nftData,
    DataTypes.LoanData memory loanData,
    uint256 pauseStartTime,
    uint256 pauseDurationTime
  ) internal view returns (uint256 auctionEndTimestamp, uint256 redeemEndTimestamp) {
    uint256 extraDuration = 0;
    if ((pauseDurationTime > 0) && (loanData.bidStartTimestamp <= pauseStartTime)) {
      extraDuration = pauseDurationTime;
    auctionEndTimestamp =
      loanData.bidStartTimestamp +
      extraDuration +
      (nftData.configuration.getAuctionDuration() * 1 hours);
    redeemEndTimestamp =
      loanData.bidStartTimestamp +
      extraDuration +
      (nftData.configuration.getRedeemDuration() * 1 hours);