NFTFI Private contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
import "./IDirectLoanBase.sol";
import "./LoanData.sol";
import "./LoanChecksAndCalculations.sol";
import "./LoanAirdropUtils.sol";
import "../../BaseLoan.sol";
import "../../../utils/NftReceiver.sol";
import "../../../utils/NFTfiSigningUtils.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/INftfiHub.sol";
import "../../../utils/ContractKeys.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IDirectLoanCoordinator.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/INftWrapper.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IPermittedPartners.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IPermittedERC20s.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IPermittedNFTs.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
 * @title  DirectLoanBase
 * @author NFTfi
 * @notice Main contract for NFTfi Direct Loans Type. This contract manages the ability to create NFT-backed
 * peer-to-peer loans.
 * There are two ways to commence an NFT-backed loan:
 * a. The borrower accepts a lender's offer by calling `acceptOffer`.
 *   1. the borrower calls nftContract.approveAll(NFTfi), approving the NFTfi contract to move their NFT's on their
 * be1alf.
 *   2. the lender calls erc20Contract.approve(NFTfi), allowing NFTfi to move the lender's ERC20 tokens on their
 * behalf.
 *   3. the lender signs an off-chain message, proposing its offer terms.
 *   4. the borrower calls `acceptOffer` to accept these terms and enter into the loan. The NFT is stored in
 * the contract, the borrower receives the loan principal in the specified ERC20 currency, the lender receives an
 * NFTfi promissory note (in ERC721 form) that represents the rights to either the principal-plus-interest, or the
 * underlying NFT collateral if the borrower does not pay back in time, and the borrower receives obligation receipt
 * (in ERC721 form) that gives them the right to pay back the loan and get the collateral back.
 * b. The lender accepts a borrowe's binding terms by calling `acceptListing`.
 *   1. the borrower calls nftContract.approveAll(NFTfi), approving the NFTfi contract to move their NFT's on their
 * be1alf.
 *   2. the lender calls erc20Contract.approve(NFTfi), allowing NFTfi to move the lender's ERC20 tokens on their
 * behalf.
 *   3. the borrower signs an off-chain message, proposing its binding terms.
 *   4. the lender calls `acceptListing` with an offer matching the binding terms and enter into the loan. The NFT is
 * stored in the contract, the borrower receives the loan principal in the specified ERC20 currency, the lender
 * receives an NFTfi promissory note (in ERC721 form) that represents the rights to either the principal-plus-interest,
 * or the underlying NFT collateral if the borrower does not pay back in time, and the borrower receives obligation
 * receipt (in ERC721 form) that gives them the right to pay back the loan and get the collateral back.
 * The lender can freely transfer and trade this ERC721 promissory note as they wish, with the knowledge that
 * transferring the ERC721 promissory note tranfsers the rights to principal-plus-interest and/or collateral, and that
 * they will no longer have a claim on the loan. The ERC721 promissory note itself represents that claim.
 * The borrower can freely transfer and trade this ERC721 obligaiton receipt as they wish, with the knowledge that
 * transferring the ERC721 obligaiton receipt tranfsers the rights right to pay back the loan and get the collateral
 * back.
 * A loan may end in one of two ways:
 * - First, a borrower may call NFTfi.payBackLoan() and pay back the loan plus interest at any time, in which case they
 * receive their NFT back in the same transaction.
 * - Second, if the loan's duration has passed and the loan has not been paid back yet, a lender can call
 * NFTfi.liquidateOverdueLoan(), in which case they receive the underlying NFT collateral and forfeit the rights to the
 * principal-plus-interest, which the borrower now keeps.
 * If the loan was created as a ProRated type loan (pro-rata interest loan), then the user only pays the principal plus
 * pro-rata interest if repaid early.
 * However, if the loan was was created as a Fixed type loan (agreed to be a fixed-repayment loan), then the borrower
 * pays the maximumRepaymentAmount regardless of whether they repay early or not.
abstract contract DirectLoanBaseMinimal is IDirectLoanBase, IPermittedERC20s, BaseLoan, NftReceiver, LoanData {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
    /* ******* */
    /* STORAGE */
    /* ******* */
    uint16 public constant HUNDRED_PERCENT = 10000;
    bytes32 public immutable override LOAN_COORDINATOR;
     * @notice The maximum duration of any loan started for this loan type, measured in seconds. This is both a
     * sanity-check for borrowers and an upper limit on how long admins will have to support v1 of this contract if they
     * eventually deprecate it, as well as a check to ensure that the loan duration never exceeds the space alotted for
     * it in the loan struct.
    uint256 public override maximumLoanDuration = 53 weeks;
     * @notice The percentage of interest earned by lenders on this platform that is taken by the contract admin's as a
     * fee, measured in basis points (hundreths of a percent). The max allowed value is 10000.
    uint16 public override adminFeeInBasisPoints = 500;
     * @notice A mapping from a loan's identifier to the loan's details, represted by the loan struct.
    mapping(uint32 => LoanTerms) public override loanIdToLoan;
    mapping(uint32 => LoanExtras) public loanIdToLoanExtras;
     * @notice A mapping tracking whether a loan has either been repaid or liquidated. This prevents an attacker trying
     * to repay or liquidate the same loan twice.
    mapping(uint32 => bool) public override loanRepaidOrLiquidated;
     * @dev keeps track of tokens being held as loan collateral, so we dont allow these
     * to be transferred with the aridrop draining functions
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private _escrowTokens;
     * @notice A mapping that takes both a user's address and a loan nonce that was first used when signing an off-chain
     * order and checks whether that nonce has previously either been used for a loan, or has been pre-emptively
     * cancelled. The nonce referred to here is not the same as an Ethereum account's nonce. We are referring instead to
     * nonces that are used by both the lender and the borrower when they are first signing off-chain NFTfi orders.
     * These nonces can be any uint256 value that the user has not previously used to sign an off-chain order. Each
     * nonce can be used at most once per user within NFTfi, regardless of whether they are the lender or the borrower
     * in that situation. This serves two purposes. First, it prevents replay attacks where an attacker would submit a
     * user's off-chain order more than once. Second, it allows a user to cancel an off-chain order by calling
     * NFTfi.cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun(), which marks the nonce as used and prevents any future loan from
     * using the user's off-chain order that contains that nonce.
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) internal _nonceHasBeenUsedForUser;
     * @notice A mapping from an ERC20 currency address to whether that currency
     * is permitted to be used by this contract.
    mapping(address => bool) private erc20Permits;
    INftfiHub public immutable hub;
    /* ****** */
    /* EVENTS */
    /* ****** */
     * @notice This event is fired whenever the admins change the percent of interest rates earned that they charge as a
     * fee. Note that newAdminFee can never exceed 10,000, since the fee is measured in basis points.
     * @param  newAdminFee - The new admin fee measured in basis points. This is a percent of the interest paid upon a
     * loan's completion that go to the contract admins.
    event AdminFeeUpdated(uint16 newAdminFee);
     * @notice This event is fired whenever the admins change the maximum duration of any loan started for this loan
     * type.
     * @param  newMaximumLoanDuration - The new maximum duration.
    event MaximumLoanDurationUpdated(uint256 newMaximumLoanDuration);
     * @notice This event is fired whenever a borrower begins a loan by calling NFTfi.beginLoan(), which can only occur
     * after both the lender and borrower have approved their ERC721 and ERC20 contracts to use NFTfi, and when they
     * both have signed off-chain messages that agree on the terms of the loan.
     * @param  loanId - A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @param  borrower - The address of the borrower.
     * @param  lender - The address of the lender. The lender can change their address by transferring the NFTfi ERC721
     * token that they received when the loan began.
    event LoanStarted(
        uint32 indexed loanId,
        address indexed borrower,
        address indexed lender,
        LoanTerms loanTerms,
        LoanExtras loanExtras
     * @notice This event is fired whenever a borrower successfully repays their loan, paying
     * principal-plus-interest-minus-fee to the lender in loanERC20Denomination, paying fee to owner in
     * loanERC20Denomination, and receiving their NFT collateral back.
     * @param  loanId - A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @param  borrower - The address of the borrower.
     * @param  lender - The address of the lender. The lender can change their address by transferring the NFTfi ERC721
     * token that they received when the loan began.
     * @param  loanPrincipalAmount - The original sum of money transferred from lender to borrower at the beginning of
     * the loan, measured in loanERC20Denomination's smallest units.
     * @param  nftCollateralId - The ID within the NFTCollateralContract for the NFT being used as collateral for this
     * loan. The NFT is stored within this contract during the duration of the loan.
     * @param  amountPaidToLender The amount of ERC20 that the borrower paid to the lender, measured in the smalled
     * units of loanERC20Denomination.
     * @param  adminFee The amount of interest paid to the contract admins, measured in the smalled units of
     * loanERC20Denomination and determined by adminFeeInBasisPoints. This amount never exceeds the amount of interest
     * earned.
     * @param  revenueShare The amount taken from admin fee amount shared with the partner.
     * @param  revenueSharePartner  - The address of the partner that will receive the revenue share.
     * @param  nftCollateralContract - The ERC721 contract of the NFT collateral
     * @param  loanERC20Denomination - The ERC20 contract of the currency being used as principal/interest for this
     * loan.
    event LoanRepaid(
        uint32 indexed loanId,
        address indexed borrower,
        address indexed lender,
        uint256 loanPrincipalAmount,
        uint256 nftCollateralId,
        uint256 amountPaidToLender,
        uint256 adminFee,
        uint256 revenueShare,
        address revenueSharePartner,
        address nftCollateralContract,
        address loanERC20Denomination
     * @notice This event is fired whenever a lender liquidates an outstanding loan that is owned to them that has
     * exceeded its duration. The lender receives the underlying NFT collateral, and the borrower no longer needs to
     * repay the loan principal-plus-interest.
     * @param  loanId - A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @param  borrower - The address of the borrower.
     * @param  lender - The address of the lender. The lender can change their address by transferring the NFTfi ERC721
     * token that they received when the loan began.
     * @param  loanPrincipalAmount - The original sum of money transferred from lender to borrower at the beginning of
     * the loan, measured in loanERC20Denomination's smallest units.
     * @param  nftCollateralId - The ID within the NFTCollateralContract for the NFT being used as collateral for this
     * loan. The NFT is stored within this contract during the duration of the loan.
     * @param  loanMaturityDate - The unix time (measured in seconds) that the loan became due and was eligible for
     * liquidation.
     * @param  loanLiquidationDate - The unix time (measured in seconds) that liquidation occurred.
     * @param  nftCollateralContract - The ERC721 contract of the NFT collateral
    event LoanLiquidated(
        uint32 indexed loanId,
        address indexed borrower,
        address indexed lender,
        uint256 loanPrincipalAmount,
        uint256 nftCollateralId,
        uint256 loanMaturityDate,
        uint256 loanLiquidationDate,
        address nftCollateralContract
     * @notice This event is fired when some of the terms of a loan are being renegotiated.
     * @param loanId - The unique identifier for the loan to be renegotiated
     * @param newLoanDuration - The new amount of time (measured in seconds) that can elapse before the lender can
     * liquidate the loan and seize the underlying collateral NFT.
     * @param newMaximumRepaymentAmount - The new maximum amount of money that the borrower would be required to
     * retrieve their collateral, measured in the smallest units of the ERC20 currency used for the loan. The
     * borrower will always have to pay this amount to retrieve their collateral, regardless of whether they repay
     * early.
     * @param renegotiationFee Agreed upon fee in loan denomination that borrower pays for the lender for the
     * renegotiation, has to be paid with an ERC20 transfer loanERC20Denomination token, uses transfer from,
     * frontend will have to propmt an erc20 approve for this from the borrower to the lender
     * @param renegotiationAdminFee renegotiationFee admin portion based on determined by adminFeeInBasisPoints
    event LoanRenegotiated(
        uint32 indexed loanId,
        address indexed borrower,
        address indexed lender,
        uint32 newLoanDuration,
        uint256 newMaximumRepaymentAmount,
        uint256 renegotiationFee,
        uint256 renegotiationAdminFee
     * @notice This event is fired whenever the admin sets a ERC20 permit.
     * @param erc20Contract - Address of the ERC20 contract.
     * @param isPermitted - Signals ERC20 permit.
    event ERC20Permit(address indexed erc20Contract, bool isPermitted);
    /* *********** */
    /* *********** */
     * @dev Sets `hub`
     * @param _admin - Initial admin of this contract.
     * @param  _nftfiHub - NFTfiHub address
     * @param  _loanCoordinatorKey -
     * @param  _permittedErc20s -
        address _admin,
        address _nftfiHub,
        bytes32 _loanCoordinatorKey,
        address[] memory _permittedErc20s
    ) BaseLoan(_admin) {
        hub = INftfiHub(_nftfiHub);
        LOAN_COORDINATOR = _loanCoordinatorKey;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _permittedErc20s.length; i++) {
            _setERC20Permit(_permittedErc20s[i], true);
    /* *************** */
    /* *************** */
     * @notice This function can be called by admins to change the maximumLoanDuration. Note that they can never change
     * maximumLoanDuration to be greater than UINT32_MAX, since that's the maximum space alotted for the duration in the
     * loan struct.
     * @param _newMaximumLoanDuration - The new maximum loan duration, measured in seconds.
    function updateMaximumLoanDuration(uint256 _newMaximumLoanDuration) external onlyOwner {
        require(_newMaximumLoanDuration <= uint256(type(uint32).max), "Loan duration overflow");
        maximumLoanDuration = _newMaximumLoanDuration;
        emit MaximumLoanDurationUpdated(_newMaximumLoanDuration);
     * @notice This function can be called by admins to change the percent of interest rates earned that they charge as
     * a fee. Note that newAdminFee can never exceed 10,000, since the fee is measured in basis points.
     * @param _newAdminFeeInBasisPoints - The new admin fee measured in basis points. This is a percent of the interest
     * paid upon a loan's completion that go to the contract admins.
    function updateAdminFee(uint16 _newAdminFeeInBasisPoints) external onlyOwner {
        require(_newAdminFeeInBasisPoints <= HUNDRED_PERCENT, "basis points > 10000");
        adminFeeInBasisPoints = _newAdminFeeInBasisPoints;
        emit AdminFeeUpdated(_newAdminFeeInBasisPoints);
     * @notice used by the owner account to be able to drain ERC20 tokens received as airdrops
     * for the locked  collateral NFT-s
     * @param _tokenAddress - address of the token contract for the token to be sent out
     * @param _receiver - receiver of the token
    function drainERC20Airdrop(address _tokenAddress, address _receiver) external onlyOwner {
        IERC20 tokenContract = IERC20(_tokenAddress);
        uint256 amount = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
        require(amount > 0, "no tokens owned");
        tokenContract.safeTransfer(_receiver, amount);
     * @notice This function can be called by admins to change the permitted status of an ERC20 currency. This includes
     * both adding an ERC20 currency to the permitted list and removing it.
     * @param _erc20 - The address of the ERC20 currency whose permit list status changed.
     * @param _permit - The new status of whether the currency is permitted or not.
    function setERC20Permit(address _erc20, bool _permit) external onlyOwner {
        _setERC20Permit(_erc20, _permit);
     * @notice This function can be called by admins to change the permitted status of a batch of ERC20 currency. This
     * includes both adding an ERC20 currency to the permitted list and removing it.
     * @param _erc20s - The addresses of the ERC20 currencies whose permit list status changed.
     * @param _permits - The new statuses of whether the currency is permitted or not.
    function setERC20Permits(address[] memory _erc20s, bool[] memory _permits) external onlyOwner {
        require(_erc20s.length == _permits.length, "setERC20Permits function information arity mismatch");
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _erc20s.length; i++) {
            _setERC20Permit(_erc20s[i], _permits[i]);
     * @notice used by the owner account to be able to drain ERC721 tokens received as airdrops
     * for the locked  collateral NFT-s
     * @param _tokenAddress - address of the token contract for the token to be sent out
     * @param _tokenId - id token to be sent out
     * @param _receiver - receiver of the token
    function drainERC721Airdrop(
        address _tokenAddress,
        uint256 _tokenId,
        address _receiver
    ) external onlyOwner {
        IERC721 tokenContract = IERC721(_tokenAddress);
        require(_escrowTokens[_tokenAddress][_tokenId] == 0, "token is collateral");
        require(tokenContract.ownerOf(_tokenId) == address(this), "nft not owned");
        tokenContract.safeTransferFrom(address(this), _receiver, _tokenId);
     * @notice used by the owner account to be able to drain ERC1155 tokens received as airdrops
     * for the locked  collateral NFT-s
     * @param _tokenAddress - address of the token contract for the token to be sent out
     * @param _tokenId - id token to be sent out
     * @param _receiver - receiver of the token
    function drainERC1155Airdrop(
        address _tokenAddress,
        uint256 _tokenId,
        address _receiver
    ) external onlyOwner {
        IERC1155 tokenContract = IERC1155(_tokenAddress);
        uint256 amount = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this), _tokenId);
        require(_escrowTokens[_tokenAddress][_tokenId] == 0, "token is collateral");
        require(amount > 0, "no nfts owned");
        tokenContract.safeTransferFrom(address(this), _receiver, _tokenId, amount, "");
    function mintObligationReceipt(uint32 _loanId) external nonReentrant {
        address borrower = loanIdToLoan[_loanId].borrower;
        require(msg.sender == borrower, "sender has to be borrower");
        IDirectLoanCoordinator loanCoordinator = IDirectLoanCoordinator(hub.getContract(LOAN_COORDINATOR));
        loanCoordinator.mintObligationReceipt(_loanId, borrower);
        delete loanIdToLoan[_loanId].borrower;
     * @dev makes possible to change loan duration and max repayment amount, loan duration even can be extended if
     * loan was expired but not liquidated.
     * @param _loanId - The unique identifier for the loan to be renegotiated
     * @param _newLoanDuration - The new amount of time (measured in seconds) that can elapse before the lender can
     * liquidate the loan and seize the underlying collateral NFT.
     * @param _newMaximumRepaymentAmount - The new maximum amount of money that the borrower would be required to
     * retrieve their collateral, measured in the smallest units of the ERC20 currency used for the loan. The
     * borrower will always have to pay this amount to retrieve their collateral, regardless of whether they repay
     * early.
     * @param _renegotiationFee Agreed upon fee in ether that borrower pays for the lender for the renegitiation
     * @param _lenderNonce - The nonce referred to here is not the same as an Ethereum account's nonce. We are
     * referring instead to nonces that are used by both the lender and the borrower when they are first signing
     * off-chain NFTfi orders. These nonces can be any uint256 value that the user has not previously used to sign an
     * off-chain order. Each nonce can be used at most once per user within NFTfi, regardless of whether they are the
     * lender or the borrower in that situation. This serves two purposes:
     * - First, it prevents replay attacks where an attacker would submit a user's off-chain order more than once.
     * - Second, it allows a user to cancel an off-chain order by calling NFTfi.cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun()
     * , which marks the nonce as used and prevents any future loan from using the user's off-chain order that contains
     * that nonce.
     * @param _expiry - The date when the renegotiation offer expires
     * @param _lenderSignature - The ECDSA signature of the lender, obtained off-chain ahead of time, signing the
     * following combination of parameters:
     * - _loanId
     * - _newLoanDuration
     * - _newMaximumRepaymentAmount
     * - _lender
     * - _expiry
     *  - address of this contract
     * - chainId
    function renegotiateLoan(
        uint32 _loanId,
        uint32 _newLoanDuration,
        uint256 _newMaximumRepaymentAmount,
        uint256 _renegotiationFee,
        uint256 _lenderNonce,
        uint256 _expiry,
        bytes memory _lenderSignature
    ) external whenNotPaused nonReentrant {
     * @notice This function is called by a anyone to repay a loan. It can be called at any time after the loan has
     * begun and before loan expiry.. The caller will pay a pro-rata portion of their interest if the loan is paid off
     * early and the loan is pro-rated type, but the complete repayment amount if it is fixed type.
     * The the borrower (current owner of the obligation note) will get the collaterl NFT back.
     * This function is purposefully not pausable in order to prevent an attack where the contract admin's pause the
     * contract and hold hostage the NFT's that are still within it.
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
    function payBackLoan(uint32 _loanId) external nonReentrant {
        LoanChecksAndCalculations.payBackChecks(_loanId, hub);
            address borrower,
            address lender,
            LoanTerms memory loan,
            IDirectLoanCoordinator loanCoordinator
        ) = _getPartiesAndData(_loanId);
        _payBackLoan(_loanId, borrower, lender, loan);
        _resolveLoan(_loanId, borrower, loan, loanCoordinator);
        // Delete the loan from storage in order to achieve a substantial gas savings and to lessen the burden of
        // storage on Ethereum nodes, since we will never access this loan's details again, and the details are still
        // available through event data.
        delete loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
        delete loanIdToLoanExtras[_loanId];
     * @notice This function is called by a lender once a loan has finished its duration and the borrower still has not
     * repaid. The lender can call this function to seize the underlying NFT collateral, although the lender gives up
     * all rights to the principal-plus-collateral by doing so.
     * This function is purposefully not pausable in order to prevent an attack where the contract admin's pause
     * the contract and hold hostage the NFT's that are still within it.
     * We intentionally allow anybody to call this function, although only the lender will end up receiving the seized
     * collateral. We are exploring the possbility of incentivizing users to call this function by using some of the
     * admin funds.
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
    function liquidateOverdueLoan(uint32 _loanId) external nonReentrant {
        LoanChecksAndCalculations.checkLoanIdValidity(_loanId, hub);
        // Sanity check that payBackLoan() and liquidateOverdueLoan() have never been called on this loanId.
        // Depending on how the rest of the code turns out, this check may be unnecessary.
        require(!loanRepaidOrLiquidated[_loanId], "Loan already repaid/liquidated");
            address borrower,
            address lender,
            LoanTerms memory loan,
            IDirectLoanCoordinator loanCoordinator
        ) = _getPartiesAndData(_loanId);
        // Ensure that the loan is indeed overdue, since we can only liquidate overdue loans.
        uint256 loanMaturityDate = uint256(loan.loanStartTime) + uint256(loan.loanDuration);
        require(block.timestamp > loanMaturityDate, "Loan is not overdue yet");
        require(msg.sender == lender, "Only lender can liquidate");
        _resolveLoan(_loanId, lender, loan, loanCoordinator);
        // Emit an event with all relevant details from this transaction.
        emit LoanLiquidated(
        // Delete the loan from storage in order to achieve a substantial gas savings and to lessen the burden of
        // storage on Ethereum nodes, since we will never access this loan's details again, and the details are still
        // available through event data.
        delete loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
        delete loanIdToLoanExtras[_loanId];
     * @notice this function initiates a flashloan to pull an airdrop from a tartget contract
     * @param _loanId -
     * @param _target - address of the airdropping contract
     * @param _data - function selector to be called on the airdropping contract
     * @param _nftAirdrop - address of the used claiming nft in the drop
     * @param _nftAirdropId - id of the used claiming nft in the drop
     * @param _is1155 -
     * @param _nftAirdropAmount - amount in case of 1155
    function pullAirdrop(
        uint32 _loanId,
        address _target,
        bytes calldata _data,
        address _nftAirdrop,
        uint256 _nftAirdropId,
        bool _is1155,
        uint256 _nftAirdropAmount
    ) external nonReentrant {
        LoanChecksAndCalculations.checkLoanIdValidity(_loanId, hub);
        require(!loanRepaidOrLiquidated[_loanId], "Loan already repaid/liquidated");
        LoanTerms memory loan = loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
     * @notice this function creates a proxy contract wrapping the collateral to be able to catch an expected airdrop
     * @param _loanId -
    function wrapCollateral(uint32 _loanId) external nonReentrant {
        LoanChecksAndCalculations.checkLoanIdValidity(_loanId, hub);
        require(!loanRepaidOrLiquidated[_loanId], "Loan already repaid/liquidated");
        LoanTerms storage loan = loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
        _escrowTokens[loan.nftCollateralContract][loan.nftCollateralId] -= 1;
        (address instance, uint256 receiverId) = LoanAirdropUtils.wrapCollateral(_loanId, loan, hub);
        _escrowTokens[instance][receiverId] += 1;
     * @notice This function can be called by either a lender or a borrower to cancel all off-chain orders that they
     * have signed that contain this nonce. If the off-chain orders were created correctly, there should only be one
     * off-chain order that contains this nonce at all.
     * The nonce referred to here is not the same as an Ethereum account's nonce. We are referring
     * instead to nonces that are used by both the lender and the borrower when they are first signing off-chain NFTfi
     * orders. These nonces can be any uint256 value that the user has not previously used to sign an off-chain order.
     * Each nonce can be used at most once per user within NFTfi, regardless of whether they are the lender or the
     * borrower in that situation. This serves two purposes. First, it prevents replay attacks where an attacker would
     * submit a user's off-chain order more than once. Second, it allows a user to cancel an off-chain order by calling
     * NFTfi.cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun(), which marks the nonce as used and prevents any future loan from
     * using the user's off-chain order that contains that nonce.
     * @param  _nonce - User nonce
    function cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun(uint256 _nonce) external {
        require(!_nonceHasBeenUsedForUser[msg.sender][_nonce], "Invalid nonce");
        _nonceHasBeenUsedForUser[msg.sender][_nonce] = true;
    /* ******************* */
    /* ******************* */
     * @notice This function can be used to view the current quantity of the ERC20 currency used in the specified loan
     * required by the borrower to repay their loan, measured in the smallest unit of the ERC20 currency.
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @return The amount of the specified ERC20 currency required to pay back this loan, measured in the smallest unit
     * of the specified ERC20 currency.
    function getPayoffAmount(uint32 _loanId) external view virtual returns (uint256);
     * @notice This function can be used to view whether a particular nonce for a particular user has already been used,
     * either from a successful loan or a cancelled off-chain order.
     * @param _user - The address of the user. This function works for both lenders and borrowers alike.
     * @param  _nonce - The nonce referred to here is not the same as an Ethereum account's nonce. We are referring
     * instead to nonces that are used by both the lender and the borrower when they are first signing off-chain
     * NFTfi orders. These nonces can be any uint256 value that the user has not previously used to sign an off-chain
     * order. Each nonce can be used at most once per user within NFTfi, regardless of whether they are the lender or
     * the borrower in that situation. This serves two purposes:
     * - First, it prevents replay attacks where an attacker would submit a user's off-chain order more than once.
     * - Second, it allows a user to cancel an off-chain order by calling NFTfi.cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun()
     * , which marks the nonce as used and prevents any future loan from using the user's off-chain order that contains
     * that nonce.
     * @return A bool representing whether or not this nonce has been used for this user.
    function getWhetherNonceHasBeenUsedForUser(address _user, uint256 _nonce) external view override returns (bool) {
        return _nonceHasBeenUsedForUser[_user][_nonce];
     * @notice This function can be called by anyone to get the permit associated with the erc20 contract.
     * @param _erc20 - The address of the erc20 contract.
     * @return Returns whether the erc20 is permitted
    function getERC20Permit(address _erc20) public view override returns (bool) {
        return erc20Permits[_erc20];
    /* ****************** */
    /* ****************** */
     * @dev makes possible to change loan duration and max repayment amount, loan duration even can be extended if
     * loan was expired but not liquidated. IMPORTANT: Frontend will have to propt the caller to do an ERC20 approve for
     * the fee amount from themselves (borrower/obligation reciept holder) to the lender (promissory note holder)
     * @param _loanId - The unique identifier for the loan to be renegotiated
     * @param _newLoanDuration - The new amount of time (measured in seconds) that can elapse before the lender can
     * liquidate the loan and seize the underlying collateral NFT.
     * @param _newMaximumRepaymentAmount - The new maximum amount of money that the borrower would be required to
     * retrieve their collateral, measured in the smallest units of the ERC20 currency used for the loan. The
     * borrower will always have to pay this amount to retrieve their collateral, regardless of whether they repay
     * early.
     * @param _renegotiationFee Agreed upon fee in loan denomination that borrower pays for the lender and
     * the admin for the renegotiation, has to be paid with an ERC20 transfer loanERC20Denomination token,
     * uses transfer from, frontend will have to propmt an erc20 approve for this from the borrower to the lender,
     * admin fee is calculated by the loan's loanAdminFeeInBasisPoints value
     * @param _lenderNonce - The nonce referred to here is not the same as an Ethereum account's nonce. We are
     * referring instead to nonces that are used by both the lender and the borrower when they are first signing
     * off-chain NFTfi orders. These nonces can be any uint256 value that the user has not previously used to sign an
     * off-chain order. Each nonce can be used at most once per user within NFTfi, regardless of whether they are the
     * lender or the borrower in that situation. This serves two purposes:
     * - First, it prevents replay attacks where an attacker would submit a user's off-chain order more than once.
     * - Second, it allows a user to cancel an off-chain order by calling NFTfi.cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun()
     , which marks the nonce as used and prevents any future loan from using the user's off-chain order that contains
     * that nonce.
     * @param _expiry - The date when the renegotiation offer expires
     * @param _lenderSignature - The ECDSA signature of the lender, obtained off-chain ahead of time, signing the
     * following combination of parameters:
     * - _loanId
     * - _newLoanDuration
     * - _newMaximumRepaymentAmount
     * - _lender
     * - _expiry
     * - address of this contract
     * - chainId
    function _renegotiateLoan(
        uint32 _loanId,
        uint32 _newLoanDuration,
        uint256 _newMaximumRepaymentAmount,
        uint256 _renegotiationFee,
        uint256 _lenderNonce,
        uint256 _expiry,
        bytes memory _lenderSignature
    ) internal {
        LoanTerms storage loan = loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
        (address borrower, address lender) = LoanChecksAndCalculations.renegotiationChecks(
        _nonceHasBeenUsedForUser[lender][_lenderNonce] = true;
                Signature({signer: lender, nonce: _lenderNonce, expiry: _expiry, signature: _lenderSignature})
            "Renegotiation signature is invalid"
        uint256 renegotiationAdminFee;
         * @notice Transfers fee to the lender immediately
         * @dev implements Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern by modifying state only after
         * the transfer happened successfully, we also add the nonReentrant modifier to
         * the pbulic versions
        if (_renegotiationFee > 0) {
            renegotiationAdminFee = LoanChecksAndCalculations.computeAdminFee(
            // Transfer principal-plus-interest-minus-fees from the caller (always has to be borrower) to lender
                _renegotiationFee - renegotiationAdminFee
            // Transfer fees from the caller (always has to be borrower) to admins
            IERC20(loan.loanERC20Denomination).safeTransferFrom(borrower, owner(), renegotiationAdminFee);
        loan.loanDuration = _newLoanDuration;
        loan.maximumRepaymentAmount = _newMaximumRepaymentAmount;
        emit LoanRenegotiated(
     * @dev Transfer collateral NFT from borrower to this contract and principal from lender to the borrower and
     * registers the new loan through the loan coordinator.
     * @param _loanType - The type of loan it is being created
     * @param _loanTerms - Struct containing the loan's settings
     * @param _loanExtras - Struct containing some loan's extra settings, needed to avoid stack too deep
     * @param _lender - The address of the lender.
     * @param _referrer - The address of the referrer who found the lender matching the listing, Zero address to signal
     * that there is no referrer.
    function _createLoan(
        bytes32 _loanType,
        LoanTerms memory _loanTerms,
        LoanExtras memory _loanExtras,
        address _borrower,
        address _lender,
        address _referrer
    ) internal returns (uint32) {
        // Transfer collateral from borrower to this contract to be held until
        // loan completion.
        _transferNFT(_loanTerms, _borrower, address(this));
        return _createLoanNoNftTransfer(_loanType, _loanTerms, _loanExtras, _borrower, _lender, _referrer);
     * @dev Transfer principal from lender to the borrower and
     * registers the new loan through the loan coordinator.
     * @param _loanType - The type of loan it is being created
     * @param _loanTerms - Struct containing the loan's settings
     * @param _loanExtras - Struct containing some loan's extra settings, needed to avoid stack too deep
     * @param _lender - The address of the lender.
     * @param _referrer - The address of the referrer who found the lender matching the listing, Zero address to signal
     * that there is no referrer.
    function _createLoanNoNftTransfer(
        bytes32 _loanType,
        LoanTerms memory _loanTerms,
        LoanExtras memory _loanExtras,
        address _borrower,
        address _lender,
        address _referrer
    ) internal returns (uint32 loanId) {
        _escrowTokens[_loanTerms.nftCollateralContract][_loanTerms.nftCollateralId] += 1;
        uint256 referralfee = LoanChecksAndCalculations.computeReferralFee(
        uint256 principalAmount = _loanTerms.loanPrincipalAmount - referralfee;
        if (referralfee > 0) {
            // Transfer the referral fee from lender to referrer.
            IERC20(_loanTerms.loanERC20Denomination).safeTransferFrom(_lender, _referrer, referralfee);
        // Transfer principal from lender to borrower.
        IERC20(_loanTerms.loanERC20Denomination).safeTransferFrom(_lender, _borrower, principalAmount);
        // Issue an ERC721 promissory note to the lender that gives them the
        // right to either the principal-plus-interest or the collateral,
        // and an obligation note to the borrower that gives them the
        // right to pay back the loan and get the collateral back.
        IDirectLoanCoordinator loanCoordinator = IDirectLoanCoordinator(hub.getContract(LOAN_COORDINATOR));
        loanId = loanCoordinator.registerLoan(_lender, _loanType);
        // Add the loan to storage before moving collateral/principal to follow
        // the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern.
        loanIdToLoan[loanId] = _loanTerms;
        loanIdToLoanExtras[loanId] = _loanExtras;
        return loanId;
     * @dev Transfers several types of NFTs using a wrapper that knows how to handle each case.
     * @param _loanTerms - Struct containing all the loan's parameters
     * @param _sender - Current owner of the NFT
     * @param _recipient - Recipient of the transfer
    function _transferNFT(
        LoanTerms memory _loanTerms,
        address _sender,
        address _recipient
    ) internal {
            "NFT not successfully transferred"
     * @notice This function is called by a anyone to repay a loan. It can be called at any time after the loan has
     * begun and before loan expiry.. The caller will pay a pro-rata portion of their interest if the loan is paid off
     * early and the loan is pro-rated type, but the complete repayment amount if it is fixed type.
     * The the borrower (current owner of the obligation note) will get the collaterl NFT back.
     * This function is purposefully not pausable in order to prevent an attack where the contract admin's pause the
     * contract and hold hostage the NFT's that are still within it.
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
    function _payBackLoan(
        uint32 _loanId,
        address _borrower,
        address _lender,
        LoanTerms memory _loan
    ) internal {
        // Fetch loan details from storage, but store them in memory for the sake of saving gas.
        LoanExtras memory loanExtras = loanIdToLoanExtras[_loanId];
        (uint256 adminFee, uint256 payoffAmount) = _payoffAndFee(_loan);
        // Transfer principal-plus-interest-minus-fees from the caller to lender
        IERC20(_loan.loanERC20Denomination).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, _lender, payoffAmount);
        uint256 revenueShare = LoanChecksAndCalculations.computeRevenueShare(
        // PermittedPartners contract doesn't allow to set a revenueShareInBasisPoints for address zero so revenuShare
        // > 0 implies that revenueSharePartner ~= address(0), BUT revenueShare can be zero for a partener when the
        // adminFee is low
        if (revenueShare > 0 && loanExtras.revenueSharePartner != address(0)) {
            adminFee -= revenueShare;
            // Transfer revenue share from the caller to permitted partner
        // Transfer fees from the caller to admins
        IERC20(_loan.loanERC20Denomination).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, owner(), adminFee);
        // Emit an event with all relevant details from this transaction.
        emit LoanRepaid(
            loanExtras.revenueSharePartner, // this could be a non address zero even if revenueShare is 0
     * @notice A convenience function with shared functionality between `payBackLoan` and `liquidateOverdueLoan`.
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @param _nftReceiver - The receiver of the collateral nft. The borrower when `payBackLoan` or the lender when
     * `liquidateOverdueLoan`.
     * @param _loanTerms - The main Loan Terms struct. This data is saved upon loan creation on loanIdToLoan.
     * @param _loanCoordinator - The loan coordinator used when creating the loan.
    function _resolveLoan(
        uint32 _loanId,
        address _nftReceiver,
        LoanTerms memory _loanTerms,
        IDirectLoanCoordinator _loanCoordinator
    ) internal {
        _resolveLoanNoNftTransfer(_loanId, _loanTerms, _loanCoordinator);
        // Transfer collateral from this contract to the lender, since the lender is seizing collateral for an overdue
        // loan
        _transferNFT(_loanTerms, address(this), _nftReceiver);
     * @notice Resolving the loan without trasferring the nft to provide a base for the bundle
     * break up of the bundled loans
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @param _loanTerms - The main Loan Terms struct. This data is saved upon loan creation on loanIdToLoan.
     * @param _loanCoordinator - The loan coordinator used when creating the loan.
    function _resolveLoanNoNftTransfer(
        uint32 _loanId,
        LoanTerms memory _loanTerms,
        IDirectLoanCoordinator _loanCoordinator
    ) internal {
        // Mark loan as liquidated before doing any external transfers to follow the Checks-Effects-Interactions design
        // pattern
        loanRepaidOrLiquidated[_loanId] = true;
        _escrowTokens[_loanTerms.nftCollateralContract][_loanTerms.nftCollateralId] -= 1;
        // Destroy the lender's promissory note for this loan and borrower obligation receipt
     * @notice This function can be called by admins to change the permitted status of an ERC20 currency. This includes
     * both adding an ERC20 currency to the permitted list and removing it.
     * @param _erc20 - The address of the ERC20 currency whose permit list status changed.
     * @param _permit - The new status of whether the currency is permitted or not.
    function _setERC20Permit(address _erc20, bool _permit) internal {
        require(_erc20 != address(0), "erc20 is zero address");
        erc20Permits[_erc20] = _permit;
        emit ERC20Permit(_erc20, _permit);
     * @dev Performs some validation checks over loan parameters
    function _loanSanityChecks(LoanData.Offer memory _offer, address _nftWrapper) internal view {
        require(getERC20Permit(_offer.loanERC20Denomination), "Currency denomination is not permitted");
        require(_nftWrapper != address(0), "NFT collateral contract is not permitted");
        require(uint256(_offer.loanDuration) <= maximumLoanDuration, "Loan duration exceeds maximum loan duration");
        require(uint256(_offer.loanDuration) != 0, "Loan duration cannot be zero");
            _offer.loanAdminFeeInBasisPoints == adminFeeInBasisPoints,
            "The admin fee has changed since this order was signed."
     * @dev reads some variable values of a loan for payback functions, created to reduce code repetition
    function _getPartiesAndData(uint32 _loanId)
        returns (
            address borrower,
            address lender,
            LoanTerms memory loan,
            IDirectLoanCoordinator loanCoordinator
        loanCoordinator = IDirectLoanCoordinator(hub.getContract(LOAN_COORDINATOR));
        IDirectLoanCoordinator.Loan memory loanCoordinatorData = loanCoordinator.getLoanData(_loanId);
        uint256 smartNftId = loanCoordinatorData.smartNftId;
        // Fetch loan details from storage, but store them in memory for the sake of saving gas.
        loan = loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
        if (loan.borrower != address(0)) {
            borrower = loan.borrower;
        } else {
            // Fetch current owner of loan obligation note.
            borrower = IERC721(loanCoordinator.obligationReceiptToken()).ownerOf(smartNftId);
        lender = IERC721(loanCoordinator.promissoryNoteToken()).ownerOf(smartNftId);
     * @dev Creates a `LoanExtras` struct using data sent as the borrower's extra settings.
     * This is needed in order to avoid stack too deep issues.
    function _setupLoanExtras(address _revenueSharePartner, uint16 _referralFeeInBasisPoints)
        returns (LoanExtras memory)
        // Save loan details to a struct in memory first, to save on gas if any
        // of the below checks fail, and to avoid the "Stack Too Deep" error by
        // clumping the parameters together into one struct held in memory.
                revenueSharePartner: _revenueSharePartner,
                revenueShareInBasisPoints: LoanChecksAndCalculations.getRevenueSharePercent(_revenueSharePartner, hub),
                referralFeeInBasisPoints: _referralFeeInBasisPoints
     * @dev Calculates the payoff amount and admin fee
    function _payoffAndFee(LoanTerms memory _loanTerms) internal view virtual returns (uint256, uint256);
     * @dev Checks that the collateral is a supported contracts and returns what wrapper to use for the loan's NFT
     * collateral contract.
     * @param _nftCollateralContract - The address of the the NFT collateral contract.
     * @return Address of the NftWrapper to use for the loan's NFT collateral.
    function _getWrapper(address _nftCollateralContract) internal view returns (address) {
        return IPermittedNFTs(hub.getContract(ContractKeys.PERMITTED_NFTS)).getNFTWrapper(_nftCollateralContract);