NFTFI Private contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
import "./IDirectLoanBase.sol";
import "./LoanData.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IDirectLoanCoordinator.sol";
import "../../../utils/ContractKeys.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/INftfiHub.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IPermittedPartners.sol";
import "../../../interfaces/IPermittedERC20s.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
 * @title  LoanChecksAndCalculations
 * @author NFTfi
 * @notice Helper library for LoanBase
library LoanChecksAndCalculations {
    uint16 private constant HUNDRED_PERCENT = 10000;
     * @dev Function that performs some validation checks before trying to repay a loan
     * @param _loanId - The id of the loan being repaid
    function payBackChecks(uint32 _loanId, INftfiHub _hub) external view {
        checkLoanIdValidity(_loanId, _hub);
        // Sanity check that payBackLoan() and liquidateOverdueLoan() have never been called on this loanId.
        // Depending on how the rest of the code turns out, this check may be unnecessary.
        require(!IDirectLoanBase(address(this)).loanRepaidOrLiquidated(_loanId), "Loan already repaid/liquidated");
        // Fetch loan details from storage, but store them in memory for the sake of saving gas.
        (, , , , uint32 loanDuration, , , , uint64 loanStartTime, , ) = IDirectLoanBase(address(this)).loanIdToLoan(
        // When a loan exceeds the loan term, it is expired. At this stage the Lender can call Liquidate Loan to resolve
        // the loan.
        require(block.timestamp <= (uint256(loanStartTime) + uint256(loanDuration)), "Loan is expired");
    function checkLoanIdValidity(uint32 _loanId, INftfiHub _hub) public view {
            "invalid loanId"
     * @dev Function that the partner is permitted and returns its shared percent.
     * @param _revenueSharePartner - Partner's address
     * @return The revenue share percent for the partner.
    function getRevenueSharePercent(address _revenueSharePartner, INftfiHub _hub) external view returns (uint16) {
        // return soon if no partner is set to avoid a public call
        if (_revenueSharePartner == address(0)) {
            return 0;
        uint16 revenueSharePercent = IPermittedPartners(_hub.getContract(ContractKeys.PERMITTED_PARTNERS))
        return revenueSharePercent;
     * @dev Performs some validation checks before trying to renegotiate a loan.
     * Needed to avoid stack too deep.
     * @param _loan - The main Loan Terms struct.
     * @param _loanId - The unique identifier for the loan to be renegotiated
     * @param _newLoanDuration - The new amount of time (measured in seconds) that can elapse before the lender can
     * liquidate the loan and seize the underlying collateral NFT.
     * @param _newMaximumRepaymentAmount - The new maximum amount of money that the borrower would be required to
     * retrieve their collateral, measured in the smallest units of the ERC20 currency used for the loan. The
     * borrower will always have to pay this amount to retrieve their collateral, regardless of whether they repay
     * early.
     * @param _lenderNonce - The nonce referred to here is not the same as an Ethereum account's nonce. We are
     * referring instead to nonces that are used by both the lender and the borrower when they are first signing
     * off-chain NFTfi orders. These nonces can be any uint256 value that the user has not previously used to sign an
     * off-chain order. Each nonce can be used at most once per user within NFTfi, regardless of whether they are the
     * lender or the borrower in that situation. This serves two purposes:
     * - First, it prevents replay attacks where an attacker would submit a user's off-chain order more than once.
     * - Second, it allows a user to cancel an off-chain order by calling NFTfi.cancelLoanCommitmentBeforeLoanHasBegun()
     , which marks the nonce as used and prevents any future loan from using the user's off-chain order that contains
     * that nonce.
     * @return Borrower and Lender addresses
    function renegotiationChecks(
        LoanData.LoanTerms memory _loan,
        uint32 _loanId,
        uint32 _newLoanDuration,
        uint256 _newMaximumRepaymentAmount,
        uint256 _lenderNonce,
        INftfiHub _hub
    ) external view returns (address, address) {
        checkLoanIdValidity(_loanId, _hub);
        IDirectLoanCoordinator loanCoordinator = IDirectLoanCoordinator(
        uint256 smartNftId = loanCoordinator.getLoanData(_loanId).smartNftId;
        address borrower;
        if (_loan.borrower != address(0)) {
            borrower = _loan.borrower;
        } else {
            borrower = IERC721(loanCoordinator.obligationReceiptToken()).ownerOf(smartNftId);
        require(msg.sender == borrower, "Only borrower can initiate");
        require(block.timestamp <= (uint256(_loan.loanStartTime) + _newLoanDuration), "New duration already expired");
            uint256(_newLoanDuration) <= IDirectLoanBase(address(this)).maximumLoanDuration(),
            "New duration exceeds maximum loan duration"
        require(!IDirectLoanBase(address(this)).loanRepaidOrLiquidated(_loanId), "Loan already repaid/liquidated");
            _newMaximumRepaymentAmount >= _loan.loanPrincipalAmount,
            "Negative interest rate loans are not allowed."
        // Fetch current owner of loan promissory note.
        address lender = IERC721(loanCoordinator.promissoryNoteToken()).ownerOf(smartNftId);
            !IDirectLoanBase(address(this)).getWhetherNonceHasBeenUsedForUser(lender, _lenderNonce),
            "Lender nonce invalid"
        return (borrower, lender);
     * @notice A convenience function computing the revenue share taken from the admin fee to transferr to the permitted
     * partner.
     * @param _adminFee - The quantity of ERC20 currency (measured in smalled units of that ERC20 currency) that is due
     * as an admin fee.
     * @param _revenueShareInBasisPoints - The percent (measured in basis points) of the admin fee amount that will be
     * taken as a revenue share for a the partner, at the moment the loan is begun.
     * @return The quantity of ERC20 currency (measured in smalled units of that ERC20 currency) that should be sent to
     * the `revenueSharePartner`.
    function computeRevenueShare(uint256 _adminFee, uint256 _revenueShareInBasisPoints)
        returns (uint256)
        return (_adminFee * _revenueShareInBasisPoints) / HUNDRED_PERCENT;
     * @notice A convenience function computing the adminFee taken from a specified quantity of interest.
     * @param _interestDue - The amount of interest due, measured in the smallest quantity of the ERC20 currency being
     * used to pay the interest.
     * @param _adminFeeInBasisPoints - The percent (measured in basis points) of the interest earned that will be taken
     * as a fee by the contract admins when the loan is repaid. The fee is stored in the loan struct to prevent an
     * attack where the contract admins could adjust the fee right before a loan is repaid, and take all of the interest
     * earned.
     * @return The quantity of ERC20 currency (measured in smalled units of that ERC20 currency) that is due as an admin
     * fee.
    function computeAdminFee(uint256 _interestDue, uint256 _adminFeeInBasisPoints) external pure returns (uint256) {
        return (_interestDue * _adminFeeInBasisPoints) / HUNDRED_PERCENT;
     * @notice A convenience function computing the referral fee taken from the loan principal amount to transferr to
     * the referrer.
     * @param _loanPrincipalAmount - The original sum of money transferred from lender to borrower at the beginning of
     * the loan, measured in loanERC20Denomination's smallest units.
     * @param _referralFeeInBasisPoints - The percent (measured in basis points) of the loan principal amount that will
     * be taken as a fee to pay to the referrer, 0 if the lender is not paying referral fee.
     * @param _referrer - The address of the referrer who found the lender matching the listing, Zero address to signal
     * that there is no referrer.
     * @return The quantity of ERC20 currency (measured in smalled units of that ERC20 currency) that should be sent to
     * the referrer.
    function computeReferralFee(
        uint256 _loanPrincipalAmount,
        uint256 _referralFeeInBasisPoints,
        address _referrer
    ) external pure returns (uint256) {
        if (_referralFeeInBasisPoints == 0 || _referrer == address(0)) {
            return 0;
        return (_loanPrincipalAmount * _referralFeeInBasisPoints) / HUNDRED_PERCENT;