NFTFI Collection contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
import "./DirectLoanBaseMinimal.sol";
import "../../../utils/ContractKeys.sol";
 * @title  DirectLoanFixedOffer
 * @author NFTfi
 * @notice Main contract for NFTfi Direct Loans Fixed Type. This contract manages the ability to create NFT-backed
 * peer-to-peer loans of type Fixed (agreed to be a fixed-repayment loan) where the borrower pays the
 * maximumRepaymentAmount regardless of whether they repay early or not.
 * There are two ways to commence an NFT-backed loan:
 * a. The borrower accepts a lender's offer by calling `acceptOffer`.
 *   1. the borrower calls nftContract.approveAll(NFTfi), approving the NFTfi contract to move their NFT's on their
 * be1alf.
 *   2. the lender calls erc20Contract.approve(NFTfi), allowing NFTfi to move the lender's ERC20 tokens on their
 * behalf.
 *   3. the lender signs an off-chain message, proposing its offer terms.
 *   4. the borrower calls `acceptOffer` to accept these terms and enter into the loan. The NFT is stored in
 * the contract, the borrower receives the loan principal in the specified ERC20 currency, the lender receives an
 * NFTfi promissory note (in ERC721 form) that represents the rights to either the principal-plus-interest, or the
 * underlying NFT collateral if the borrower does not pay back in time, and the borrower receives obligation receipt
 * (in ERC721 form) that gives them the right to pay back the loan and get the collateral back.
 * b. The lender accepts a borrowe's binding terms by calling `acceptListing`.
 *   1. the borrower calls nftContract.approveAll(NFTfi), approving the NFTfi contract to move their NFT's on their
 * be1alf.
 *   2. the lender calls erc20Contract.approve(NFTfi), allowing NFTfi to move the lender's ERC20 tokens on their
 * behalf.
 *   3. the borrower signs an off-chain message, proposing its binding terms.
 *   4. the lender calls `acceptListing` with an offer matching the binding terms and enter into the loan. The NFT is
 * stored in the contract, the borrower receives the loan principal in the specified ERC20 currency, the lender
 * receives an NFTfi promissory note (in ERC721 form) that represents the rights to either the principal-plus-interest,
 * or the underlying NFT collateral if the borrower does not pay back in time, and the borrower receives obligation
 * receipt (in ERC721 form) that gives them the right to pay back the loan and get the collateral back.
 * The lender can freely transfer and trade this ERC721 promissory note as they wish, with the knowledge that
 * transferring the ERC721 promissory note tranfsers the rights to principal-plus-interest and/or collateral, and that
 * they will no longer have a claim on the loan. The ERC721 promissory note itself represents that claim.
 * The borrower can freely transfer and trade this ERC721 obligaiton receipt as they wish, with the knowledge that
 * transferring the ERC721 obligaiton receipt tranfsers the rights right to pay back the loan and get the collateral
 * back.
 * A loan may end in one of two ways:
 * - First, a borrower may call NFTfi.payBackLoan() and pay back the loan plus interest at any time, in which case they
 * receive their NFT back in the same transaction.
 * - Second, if the loan's duration has passed and the loan has not been paid back yet, a lender can call
 * NFTfi.liquidateOverdueLoan(), in which case they receive the underlying NFT collateral and forfeit the rights to the
 * principal-plus-interest, which the borrower now keeps.
contract DirectLoanFixedOffer is DirectLoanBaseMinimal {
    /* *********** */
    /* *********** */
     * @dev Sets `hub` and permitted erc20-s
     * @param _admin - Initial admin of this contract.
     * @param  _nftfiHub - NFTfiHub address
     * @param  _permittedErc20s - list of permitted ERC20 token contract addresses
        address _admin,
        address _nftfiHub,
        address[] memory _permittedErc20s
        // solhint-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks
    /* ********* */
    /* FUNCTIONS */
    /* ********* */
     * @notice This function is called by the borrower when accepting a lender's offer to begin a loan.
     * @param _offer - The offer made by the lender.
     * @param _signature - The components of the lender's signature.
     * @param _borrowerSettings - Some extra parameters that the borrower needs to set when accepting an offer.
    function acceptOffer(
        Offer memory _offer,
        Signature memory _signature,
        BorrowerSettings memory _borrowerSettings
    ) external whenNotPaused nonReentrant {
        address nftWrapper = _getWrapper(_offer.nftCollateralContract);
        _loanSanityChecks(_offer, nftWrapper);
            _setupLoanTerms(_offer, nftWrapper),
            _setupLoanExtras(_borrowerSettings.revenueSharePartner, _borrowerSettings.referralFeeInBasisPoints),
    /* ******************* */
    /* ******************* */
     * @notice This function returns a bytes32 value identifying the loan type for the coordinator
    // all caps, because used to be a constant storage and the interface should be the same
    // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase
    function LOAN_TYPE() public pure virtual returns (bytes32) {
        return bytes32("DIRECT_LOAN_FIXED_OFFER");
     * @notice This function can be used to view the current quantity of the ERC20 currency used in the specified loan
     * required by the borrower to repay their loan, measured in the smallest unit of the ERC20 currency.
     * @param _loanId  A unique identifier for this particular loan, sourced from the Loan Coordinator.
     * @return The amount of the specified ERC20 currency required to pay back this loan, measured in the smallest unit
     * of the specified ERC20 currency.
    function getPayoffAmount(uint32 _loanId) external view override returns (uint256) {
        LoanTerms storage loan = loanIdToLoan[_loanId];
        return loan.maximumRepaymentAmount;
    /* ****************** */
    /* ****************** */
     * @notice This function is called by the borrower when accepting a lender's offer to begin a loan.
     * @param _loanTerms - The main Loan Terms struct. This data is saved upon loan creation on loanIdToLoan.
     * @param _loanExtras - The main Loan Terms struct. This data is saved upon loan creation on loanIdToLoanExtras.
     * @param _offer - The offer made by the lender.
     * @param _signature - The components of the lender's signature.
    function _acceptOffer(
        LoanTerms memory _loanTerms,
        LoanExtras memory _loanExtras,
        Offer memory _offer,
        Signature memory _signature
    ) internal virtual {
        // Check loan nonces. These are different from Ethereum account nonces.
        // Here, these are uint256 numbers that should uniquely identify
        // each signature for each user (i.e. each user should only create one
        // off-chain signature for each nonce, with a nonce being any arbitrary
        // uint256 value that they have not used yet for an off-chain NFTfi
        // signature).
        require(!_nonceHasBeenUsedForUser[_signature.signer][_signature.nonce], "Lender nonce invalid");
        _nonceHasBeenUsedForUser[_signature.signer][_signature.nonce] = true;
        require(NFTfiSigningUtils.isValidLenderSignature(_offer, _signature), "Lender signature is invalid");
        address bundle = hub.getContract(ContractKeys.NFTFI_BUNDLER);
        require(_loanTerms.nftCollateralContract != bundle, "Collateral cannot be bundle");
        uint32 loanId = _createLoan(
        // Emit an event with all relevant details from this transaction.
        emit LoanStarted(loanId, msg.sender, _signature.signer, _loanTerms, _loanExtras);
     * @dev Creates a `LoanTerms` struct using data sent as the lender's `_offer` on `acceptOffer`.
     * This is needed in order to avoid stack too deep issues.
     * Since this is a Fixed loan type loanInterestRateForDurationInBasisPoints is ignored.
    function _setupLoanTerms(Offer memory _offer, address _nftWrapper) internal view returns (LoanTerms memory) {
                loanERC20Denomination: _offer.loanERC20Denomination,
                loanPrincipalAmount: _offer.loanPrincipalAmount,
                maximumRepaymentAmount: _offer.maximumRepaymentAmount,
                nftCollateralContract: _offer.nftCollateralContract,
                nftCollateralWrapper: _nftWrapper,
                nftCollateralId: _offer.nftCollateralId,
                loanStartTime: uint64(block.timestamp),
                loanDuration: _offer.loanDuration,
                loanInterestRateForDurationInBasisPoints: uint16(0),
                loanAdminFeeInBasisPoints: _offer.loanAdminFeeInBasisPoints,
                borrower: msg.sender
     * @dev Calculates the payoff amount and admin fee
     * @param _loanTerms - Struct containing all the loan's parameters
    function _payoffAndFee(LoanTerms memory _loanTerms)
        returns (uint256 adminFee, uint256 payoffAmount)
        // Calculate amounts to send to lender and admins
        uint256 interestDue = _loanTerms.maximumRepaymentAmount - _loanTerms.loanPrincipalAmount;
        adminFee = LoanChecksAndCalculations.computeAdminFee(
        payoffAmount = _loanTerms.maximumRepaymentAmount - adminFee;
     * @dev Function that performs some validation checks over loan parameters when accepting an offer
    function _loanSanityChecksOffer(LoanData.Offer memory _offer) internal pure {
            _offer.maximumRepaymentAmount >= _offer.loanPrincipalAmount,
            "Negative interest rate loans are not allowed."